
Holes (1998) by Louis Sachar

I remember exactly where I was the first time I got lost in this book.  I found it absolutely impossible to put down and read it all in one sitting at a quiet little park.  Since then, I’ve read this book countless times.  (I refuse to see the movie, of course.)

Stanley is sent to Camp Green Lake for a crime he didn’t commit.  At this correctional facility, the boys are expected to dig a five foot hole every day in the blistering heat.  Stanley Yelnats is not your typical hero, and I love that.  I love that Louis Sachar takes such a relatively short kids’ book about a kid at a correctional facility and makes it into a grand adventure, complete with plot twists, villains, and mysteries, spanning generations.  This is such a clever book and such an enjoyable read.  I would recommend it without hesitation to adults.  For children though, I definitely hesitate.  Even though the story is an enjoyable one and the text can be read by elementary-aged readers, there are some very disturbing bits.  I’m constantly tempted to read this with my children, and then I remember some of the more intense parts – fist fights, a racist mob, a sexual assault, and a murder.  So… as much as I love this book, it might require a pre-read before handing it off to your young child.