Holiday Movies – My Favorites

I never really had many “must-see”s on my holiday viewing lists before now, but these last couple years I’ve loved having some Christmas movies to indulge in during the month of December.  Some quick Internet searches of popular holiday movies, and I see that not many of mine match up with most lists, but here are some of the ones of some I really enjoy:

Arthur Christmas (2011)

This one is definitely at the top of the list.  I’m always surprised how few people have heard of this movie.  When people hear its name and that it’s animated, they usually assume it’s the aardvark book character named Arthur, but it definitely is not.  This is one of my favorite Christmas movies ever, if not THE favorite.  Arthur Christmas, son of the current Santa Claus, loves Christmas.  He loves the magic of it, he adores his dad, and he answers children’s letters from all over the world. But everyone, including Arthur, knows that when his dad eventually retires, Arthur’s brother, Steve, will be the one taking over the role.  Steve has Christmas down to a science.  He treats Christmas Eve like a top secret mission, complete with camouflaged troops of elves, fancy communication gadgets, and precise calculations.  But when one present is found undelivered after the Christmas Eve gifts have been distributed, Steve sees this as simply a small margin of error, whereas Arthur can’t bear to think of a child without a present from Santa on Christmas morning.  Arthur joins forces with his granddad and a feisty elf and faces his many fears in order to deliver this one missed gift.

This movie is entertaining and heart-warming, and I love it every time I see it.  I did wait to show it to our oldest until we’d had a certain conversation, only because I had always held such a magical idea of Santa’s village and a workshop of tinkering elves as a child, and this movie definitely turns that on its head with the mission talk and communications. –In a completely clever and hilarious way, of course, but I wanted to hold that magic for my kids.  The idea of the Clauses all being white and British has got its limitations, but there is really so much to love about this extremely well-done, Christmas movie.  It tops the charts for me, and I really think it deserves much more of a place in people’s Christmas movie lists.

The Grinch (2018)

I seriously love this version of The Grinch, and it’s one of the only movies that I feel fine with both kids watching, unedited.  I almost, almost gave up on this one when the first sort of loud, beatbox-y (I don’t know what kind of music this is called, honestly) song came on just a couple minutes into the opening.  I’m so glad I didn’t let that deter me.  This is one of the sweetest, funniest movies ever.  It’s a go-to in our house all year, but especially near Christmas.  One of the very few actual family-friendly movies that we all enjoy.  The Grinch in this is still grinch-y, but we also see the hints of sweetness to him before his heart grows three sizes, and it makes it all flow so beautifully.  I love this Grinch so much.


Spirited! (2022)

A new one!  A musical (which I do love), but one that pokes fun at musicals.  Will Ferrel and Ryan Reynolds are fantastic, and I love this twist on A Christmas Carol.  I’ve only just seen it, but it’s already on my annual must-see Christmas list. (Definitely an adult movie though)


Shaun the Sheep: The Flight Before Christmas (2021)

I know not all adults enjoy kid shows, but I adore Shaun the Sheep.  And while I haven’t seen this nearly as many times as my kids, I always love watching this or other Shauns.


How to Train Your Dragon: Gift of the Night Fury (2019), Homecoming(2011), and even the Snoggletog Log

I love the HtTYD movies!  But the scarier bits have prevented me from sharing them with my kids just yet, so I was thrilled to find these holiday shorts.  I always confuse which plot is which on these, but they have my stamp-of-approval for unedited watching and they’re just so great.  Each of the shorts is 22 minutes, and even though I’m not always a fan of the background fireplace-on-TV thing, the Snoggletog Log is super cute.


I Hate Christmas (2022 and 2023)

Definitely R-rated.  (This Netflix mini-series has two seasons now!)  It’s based in Venice; you can watch it dubbed or with subtitles.  (I chose dubbed)  Such a fun watch about a young woman who is frustrated by outside pressure from family and friends to have a boyfriend and be on the road to marriage.  A kick-back-in-your-slippers-sort-of-watch, and I totally binge the whole thing every time, staying up way too late.


Zoey’s Extraordinary Christmas (2021)

I had Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist on my show queue for so long without ever watching it.  It wasn’t until I noticed and wanted to watch this Christmas special that I realized it would be helpful to have the background knowledge of the show first  (which I watched and binged and totally loved).  And while I didn’t make it through the series and onto this one exactly in time for Christmas day itself, I still got to it in the window of Christmas.  And, of course, it was great.


Love Hard (2021)

I love this Netflix movie.  It is so flippin funny and has some truly great lines.  Definitely on our annual Christmas watch list, but enjoyable throughout the year as well!  (Teen and up)


Dash and Lily (2020)

More of a mini-series, rather than a movie, but I really like this one!  (A teen-and-up watch)  Dash and Lily are teens in NYC who haven’t actually met but share thoughts and dares back and forth in a notebook they hide for each other throughout the city.  Spoiler: Sadly, I did love Dash and Lily apart more than when they actually get together, but, ah well.


A Christmas Story Christmas (2022)

Another new one!  I had no idea this was coming.  I had, of course, seen the original as a kid.  It terrified me, especially the bit with Santa.  So, even though I’d watch the reruns of it on TBS when it was on, I never really sought it out since then.  But, I really loved the take on this one.  Super sweet, and so many of the outfits and decorations and details of this 70s setting took me back to my childhood.  (There was only one scene that was a little too unrealistic for my liking – almost every one of those sledders would be seriously injured or dead.). (Although some would show this to their kids, I would consider it a teen-and-up movie.)


A Christmas to Remember (2016)

I only just saw my first Hallmark movie a few weeks ago, when I noticed there were some on our library’s Hoopla channel.  This one has Mira Sorvino in it, so I figured, Academy Award winner… couldn’t be all that bad.  Despite some things you just have to accept as you go, I thought it was super sweet.  Again, a cozy-up, mama-by-herself movie.

12 Dates of Christmas (2011)

This one is definitely an indulgence – one of those, I’ve-got-the-TV-to-myself-and-my-bunny-slippers-and-popcorn kinda movies, but I dig it.  I almost gave up on it with the opening song originally, but I’m glad I hung in.  Just for fun, but cute.

Other movies to mention: 

<Not that any of these rank differently, I just don’t personally watch them during the holidays, even though they are holiday movies.>

While You Were Sleeping (1995)

One of my favorites from my teen and young adult days!  This one is very much set at the holidays, but, again, I just tend to watch it at random times during the year.

Holiday in the Wild (2019)

Helping elephants in Africa?  Yes, please.  This is such a chill, sweet movie, and it helps gain awareness around elephant conservation.

The Holiday (2006)

Can I please live in Kate Winslet’s character’s little English cottage for the holidays?