Stick Stars

I love making these simple stars from twigs!  They’re easy and free to make, and they add such a wonderful, comfortable homey-ness to wherever they are hung.

I admire when people make these without the use of a glue gun, and I may get there someday, but for now, my glue gun makes these possible.  My favorite way to use these is hanging many of them from a tree branch on the wall at different lengths (You can see this in the YouTube short below).  These would also make sweet ornaments.  You could try painting them different colors for different celebrations throughout the year.  And I’ve had a lot of fun experimenting with making these stars with other upcycled materials as well.  (You can see my coffee stopper stars briefly in the video!)

Hope you enjoy coming up with your own unique ways to make and enjoy these!

Light Switch Plates

Love this simple idea!  Even though it’s reusing a very small bit of paper, it can be a wonderful visual reminder of the beauty of reusing.  These can also be a unique, homemade gift that’s easy to customize for your recipient.  Whether you’re decorating your own home or gifting this to someone else, I hope you enjoy this project!

Happy Earth Day

Huzzah!  It’s April 22nd, which means it is Earth Day!  Considering I’m a passionate environmentalist, re-user, and (let’s face it) all-around tree hugger, I would think this day would be a huge celebration for me.  Instead, I tend to find myself overwhelmed every Earth Day.  I feel like I should be doing more.  More in my own life, more in my community, and more for our planet.  I completely get that this is not the point. At all.  But, that’s where I’m usually coming from on this glorious day of celebrating our planet.

So, this year, I got these two videos together.  I’ve been putting fears and questioning aside and making some YouTube videos about some of the ideas and thoughts I feel so excited about.  My YouTube journey is a whole other post, but for now, I’ll just say that making these videos felt really good.  It felt like a proactive step on this day when I usually feel, frankly, ineffective at making the changes I so desperately want for our Earth.  Don’t know if anyone will actually see them, but I’m learning that following what’s in my heart does a whole lot to make me feel good.  And since I, too, am part of this planet, well, Hey, I just made my small corner of the world that much better.  And that’s gotta count for something, right?