
I think many of us want to do more to help protect our precious Earth.  We live in a time when we recognize how our actions effect this planet and how Earth’s well-being is directly tied in with our own.  It’s easy to get overwhelmed by this massive responsibility or make assumptions that our actions aren’t going to make a difference.  Sometimes there seems to be little middle ground between those who completely ignore the problem and their responsibility and those who put the weight of the world on their shoulders.  I’m assuming if you’re here and reading this, you’re already someone who is on board for loving our planet and making change.  I’m hoping I can share some new ideas and that we can be inspired by each other for a common goal.

Our world needs a major shift away from this overly consumerist lifestyle we’ve created.  People are buying and consuming at alarming rates with little to no thought as to where these products come from, their environmental impact during manufacturing, and what their afterlife is.  Awareness is increasing, and I hold out hope it continues to do so at rapid speed.  Our planet is strong and beautiful, and we are destroying it.  But, in the long run, Earth will be fine.  It’s our future I’m worried about.  We’ve been riding the “recycling” wave for awhile, thinking that this is doing our part.  But, it does little good when we continue to buy and use products at this rate.  The order is, and always has been, REDUCE, REUSE, and then recycle.

It’s my belief that our actions, no matter the size, DO make a difference.  When we start treating our planet’s resources with respect and being more aware of our choices, we start to create change in our world.  Whether we know it or not, these actions may inspire others in their day-to-day choices, and eventually these small choices change the way we think, the way we shop, the way we vote, and the way we live.  Your actions matter!

You can find some videos I’ve made about reducing and reusing on YouTube.

I also have some ideas for reducing and reusing pinned on Pinterest.

Your actions can and will make a difference!