Homemade Chapstick

I’ve been making this homemade chapstick for years, and I LOVE it!  It’s natural, smooth, easy to make, and affordable.  AND you get to reuse chapstick containers!

There are many, many recipes for homemade chapsticks online if you start searching.  You can easily reuse a chapstick container you’ve already used, or you can buy empty ones.  I’ve purchased them at Natural Grocers in the past, but once you have some, they’re great to reuse.  I usually like to put a label on them with the date I made them, just so I know.  I don’t make too many at once, since it doesn’t have the same preservative chemicals that store-bought ones have.

This recipe makes four tubes, but you can easily double it, halve it, etc.  I also love that you could make these as gifts, especially if you just need something small for a bunch of people.  Or, you could create a gift basket with homemade body scrub, homemade lotion, etc. and include this as part of a bundle of gifts.

I’ve searched and searched the Internet to give a link and credit to this recipe, as I really dislike sharing recipes that aren’t mine.  But the only credit I found when I wrote this down years and years ago was Yahoo.com, which is no help, and I cannot find this anywhere.  I’ll post this modified version here with huge apologies to whoever wrote the original.  But, as I said there are many other recipes out there.

The beeswax takes a bit of patience when it’s melting, and cleanup can be a bit greasy, but it’s really super simple to make these.  I find beeswax at Natural Grocers or local Farmer’s markets, but it seems beeswax is much easier to find than it once was.


Modified recipe:

Orange Lip Balm

Melt together:

8 tsp. sunflower oil or almond oil

2 tsp. (.3 oz or so) or beeswax

Remove from heat.  Then add:

1 tsp honey

6 drops orange essential oil (or your choice)

Stir well.  Pour while still liquid into 4 chapstick containers

(If you don’t have chapstick container, you can pour into a small container such as an Altoid tin and use as a balm.)


Hope you enjoy!