Happy Earth Day

Huzzah!  It’s April 22nd, which means it is Earth Day!  Considering I’m a passionate environmentalist, re-user, and (let’s face it) all-around tree hugger, I would think this day would be a huge celebration for me.  Instead, I tend to find myself overwhelmed every Earth Day.  I feel like I should be doing more.  More in my own life, more in my community, and more for our planet.  I completely get that this is not the point. At all.  But, that’s where I’m usually coming from on this glorious day of celebrating our planet.

So, this year, I got these two videos together.  I’ve been putting fears and questioning aside and making some YouTube videos about some of the ideas and thoughts I feel so excited about.  My YouTube journey is a whole other post, but for now, I’ll just say that making these videos felt really good.  It felt like a proactive step on this day when I usually feel, frankly, ineffective at making the changes I so desperately want for our Earth.  Don’t know if anyone will actually see them, but I’m learning that following what’s in my heart does a whole lot to make me feel good.  And since I, too, am part of this planet, well, Hey, I just made my small corner of the world that much better.  And that’s gotta count for something, right?