Yes, Please

Yes, Please
by Amy Poehler

I picked up Amy Poehler’s book a few years ago simply because it was displayed on the library bookshelf.  I don’t know that I would have sought it out; in fact, I probably wouldn’t have known it existed.  But I’m so glad I did read it.  And then, just recently (probably due to another Parks and Rec round), I felt inspired to check it out again. 

Not all of it was for me.  It’s DEFINITELY rated R.  I don’t know many of the Hollywood references in here and I really don’t have much interest in topics like the “obligatory drug stories.”  BUT, that being said, much of what Ms. Poehler shares was very genuine and thoughtful, and, of course, funny.  I feel like I know her so well already as Leslie Knope, but this glimpse into Amy’s past and philosophies was really an enjoyable read.  And, as an avid quote collector, I felt I found many lovely ones to pull from this book.  Thank you, Amy.