Why Not?

I don’t know when or where my 5-year-old picked this up, but lately, his favorite phrase is, “Why not?”  Of course this statement is usually preceded by something like, “Let’s have a cookie, cuz, why not?” or “Let’s watch TV, cuz, why not?”

As adults, we have the life experience to always think of a thousand answers to the “Why not?” question.  We can’t just jump on every whim or thought that crosses our minds.  They could be dangerous or unhealthy or financially irresponsible.  We don’t want to act on things that may cause eventual harm to ourselves or others or our world.  We have the foresight to see the future consequences of our choices.  So, “Why not?” becomes less of a fun philosophy and more of an actual consideration.

But, sometimes the things holding us back from certain goals or actions or trips are fears with no basis or an overthinking that can be safely quieted.  I know that I can’t embrace my son’s philosophy on quite the same level as him and that part of my job as his parent is to help him find that balance too.  But sometimes, every now and then, maybe it’s a good idea to look at that cookie or that idea or that dream and shrug my shoulders and say, “Why not?”