The Frenzied Activist

“To want to help everyone in everything is to succumb to violence.

The frenzy of the activist neutralizes his or her work for peace.”

~Thomas Merton~

I know the world is full of all types of people.  Thank goodness.  We all have our passions and contributions to the planet, even if it seems that some are here on the planet simply to teach the rest of us about patience and understanding.

I’ve always taken it on as a mission to help the world, especially with environmental issues, but never so much as lately.  Recently, I feel a heavier and heavier weight of the world resting on my shoulders.  It’s an interesting time we live in when information can spread so quickly and easily.  My heart should be lifted by the many petitions I receive for causes of all types and by all the information we have available to stay up to date with how things are going for our world.  There are people who care, people who are doing their part to make a difference.

Instead of feeling better though, I’ve let all of this just sink me further into a state of depression.  The world is feeling heavy, and my arms are shaking.  There are so many people and places and animals that need assistance, and I want to help with ALL of it.  As the quote above suggests though, my desire to help everyone and everything is leading to me becoming a more crazed person.  Instead of embodying the peace I’d love to see and create more of, my frenzied feelings about everything are actually creating the opposite effect.

I’m working on changing this, on finding the balance between still caring and doing what I can do, without working myself into a state of panic.  And the best I’ve come up with so far, is to concentrate more on having faith.  Having faith in our planet and its people, having faith in my family and myself, and, yes, having faith in a higher power who will help guide us all in the best possible way.  It’s hard for me to let go of my constant worry and concern for our planet and its people, but, ironically, it’s only by allowing myself to relax, that I can really be of any positive help.