Manchin’s Dirty Deal – ACT NOW (Sept 2022)


* A message from Bernie Sanders *

As the father of four and the grandfather of seven, I very much wish that I did not have to say this. But the most serious challenge facing our country and the entire world today far and away is the existential threat of climate change.

I recently expressed my strong opposition to the so-called Manchin “side deal” that the fossil fuel industry is pushing through Congress to make it easier for them to pollute the environment and destroy the planet.

For the sake of our children, our grandchildren and future generations, we have got to make it clear to the fossil fuel industry that their short-term profits are not more important than the future of our planet.

Our choice here is clear:

We can listen to the fossil fuel industry and climate deniers who are spending huge amounts of money on lobbying and campaign contributions to pass this dirty side deal.

Or we can listen to the scientists and the environmental community who are telling us loudly and clearly to reject this side deal and eliminate the $15 billion in tax breaks and subsidies Congress is already providing to big oil and gas companies each and every year.

Today, I am urging all of my colleagues to stand with 650 organizations and 59 Members of Congress and reject this dirty side deal.

Please sign my petition to show where you stand:

Add your name to my petition to tell Congress to reject the Manchin dirty side deal that would make it easier for the fossil fuel industry to pollute the environment and destroy the planet.
