Speaking Peace

These days especially, I, like so many, am hoping for a world of more peace and less hate.  The more “information” I read, the more daunting this task feels.  And, as cliche and idealistic as it sounds, the only way to more peace, really, is to begin with me–having more peaceful interactions with others during my day, more peaceful interactions with my family, and, most importantly, being more peaceful in my own heart and mind.  So, why does something so seemingly simplistic feel so darn tough?

I was listening to the radio this evening while doing the dishes and a song came on that just wasn’t for me.  And while I didn’t speak these words out loud, the first thing that came to my mind was, “I hate this song.”  I stopped myself.  Really?  Hate?  Someone expressing themselves artistically through music, and a fairly tame song at that, and I’m using the word “hate?”  And then I thought about just how often that ugly word runs through my head during a typical day…  “Ugh, I hate how this person is acting.”  or when something feels tough or unpleasant, “I really hate this.”  and on and on.  Even typing and reading the word makes my chest feel tighter and my mood feel heavier.  How often do I use the word “love” during the day?  Ahh, love.  How differently I feel just thinking that beautiful word.

So, my small goal in making peace in the world is to start by watching my language.  Even the language in my head.  Maybe it will take some time for me to create peace in my heart and mind or be the peaceful parent and partner I’d like to be, but maybe, just maybe, I can begin by simply dropping that one not-so-very-nice word from my vocabulary, whether spoken or in my head.  Maybe I can focus on using the word “love” more and more in my day and let that be the beginning of more peace in my tiny corner of this great and wonderful world.