Popcorn Ideas

RECIPE ideas:

Powdered Cheese

Nutritional Yeast

Cinnamon Sugar Popcorn (One of my favs!! I usually halve the recipe, which looks like this…)

1/2 cup unpopped kernels
3 Tbsp butter
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanilla

Honey Brown Butter Popcorn (like kettle corn!)

White and Dark Chocolate Drizzle

Herb-y Popcorn (from The Christmas Book-I can’t find online)


When I first started popping my own popcorn I used the stovetop. The method may vary, depending on gas vs. electric stovetop and based on how much oil you add. I usually start by throwing oil in the pot with one or two popcorn kernels and some salt. Put the lid on and heat to a medium high. Once those kernels pop, quickly dump in the remaining kernels (usually 1/4-1/2 cup is good), replace the lid, and lower to a medium heat. I like to keep shaking the pot while these get popping, which doesn’t take long. Once the popping has slowed, remove from the heat, wait for a minute, in case there are any delayed pops, and then Voila! fresh popcorn. Of course you’ll want to experiment with temperatures and so on, but this is a great way to get homemade popcorn without using the microwave at all.  And, besides, it’s super fun to watch these kernels in action.

A microwave method we have been using for the last few years is with a great silicone microwave bowl from the company A Mighty Nest.  I love supporting this company, and I love this quick and simple method of popping corn. With this bowl, we just add kernels to the bowl along with oil or butter and salt, place the lid loosely on top, and microwave for about two minutes. 

Another method I’ve read about is to use a microwave safe bowl, add the kernels, oil, and salt, cover with a snug-fitting plate. Microwave for 2-3 minutes. Your time will vary depending on your microwave, etc ,etc so be patient with it the first couple times and take notes so you don’t have to think about it once you figure it out. Just be extremely careful removing the bowl; it will be hot! I haven’t had much luck with this method, to be honest, but I know many people have. Not to, again, suggest another product, but I also just recently saw a silicone lid which can be used with a microwave-safe bowl you already own.

If you have an air popper, that obviously works too. 

The fun part is that you can now flavor it however you want. Want it plain? Melted butter and herbs? Cinnamon sugar? yum. Powdered cheese, which you can also make from scratch? Chili? Chocolate? There are SO many options out there. Once you find some of your favorites, write them down so you have them handy. Down below, there are a few links to ones I’ve enjoyed, but there are really too many to count. My only tip is that sometimes in the homemade method, you may be left with unpopped kernels. So, I always scoop out the popped corn before adding any toppings, so that no kernels end up stuck in the mix. The unpopped kernels can usually just be re-popped at another time, so don’t throw them out.

My only other suggestion is to please, please avoid using a zip-loc bag to mix your toppings.  Instead what you can do is stack two snug-fitting bowls together and shake as needed.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these popcorn ideas.  Thank you for being here.  Your actions can and will make a difference.

(WHY I’m reducing my use of microwave popcorn bags)