Our Tooth Fairy

Our tooth fairy made her first visit back in January.  For years, I had wondered what our family’s tooth fairy would be like and what she would leave in exchange for teeth.  I didn’t necessarily like the idea of money, as I’d heard the amounts get out of control and was afraid she might be out of the right amount on the night a tooth fell out.  I had heard of some tooth fairies leaving seeds, which I loved in theory, but didn’t see us doing much with at this point.  So, finally I realized our tooth fairy would be bringing beads.  She collected many fun and decorative beads to have on hand, and she also promised a fairy doll which the beads could be sewn onto.  (I’m sure beads could also be made into necklaces or sewn onto small doll pillows as well.)  Our fairy, Flora, left a bead and small fairy skirt her first visit.  Her next visit brought another bead and a tiny fairy wand.  She was going to continue like this, bringing things like wings, tiny slippers, etc, each time, but life became busy for sewing all these, and so she left the doll on her third visit.

Our tooth fairy writes in very tiny writing, and thanks to many questions left in notes by our daughter, she also has a very elaborate backstory.  She realizes that teeth like to pop out on trips and such, and so she always plans by writing some notes ahead of time and traveling with beads.  But were she to ever miss a tooth, I’m sure she would have a very understandable explanation the next night.