Mochi Muffins

Mochi Muffins

I fell in love with mochi muffins last summer when we moved and discovered a wonderful little coffee shop in town that serves these amazing chewy treats.  We do our best to support this local shop, especially these days, but at some point in pre-Covid days, I went in search of a homemade recipe so we wouldn’t go broke on mochi muffins.  This recipe is spot on, and I’m excited to explore the creator’s site more (FINALLY, a recipe source without annoying pop-up ads every two seconds!)  She suggests sprinkling them with black and white sesame seeds, which is truly delicious.  But, sometimes, when I’m feeling especially decadent, I’ll make part of the batch with chocolate chips mixed in, and Oh, My!  Wow.  These freeze really well, and they’re perfect for a 3pm teatime treat on a whim.

The sweet rice flour is sometimes hard to come by, and I have finally researched and see that you should NOT try to replace the sweet rice flour with regular rice flour.  Good to know.  If I remember correctly, the black sesame seeds were a bit more than I expected, even in our bulk section, but the look and flavor are worth it.

If you haven’t tried mochi muffins, I highly recommend giving them a try.  Their chewy texture and sweet flavor is completely unique and absolutely delicious!