Miss Fiona’s Stupendous Pumpkin Pies

Miss Fiona’s Stupendous Pumpkin Pies (2001)
written by Mark Kimball Moulton, illustrated by Karen Hillard Crouch

Miss Fiona, the witch, uses secret ingredients to cook up pumpkin pies every Halloween.  She may look like a “kooky” witch, but Miss Fiona has “goodness deep within.”  In her warm and cozy house, she serves pumpkin pie to eager trick-or-treaters at the stroke of midnight every Halloween night.

This is a longer picture book, but the story and the rhyming verses keep it interesting.  I especially like that instead of the children being scared off by Miss Fiona, they see her home as the highlight of their night.  She’s good to them, serving pies and cider and passing out spider rings.  The illustrations are great.  I love that this is a Halloween book with all the trappings of Halloween, without being scary.


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