Michael McIntyre

Sometimes as a parent, you just have to laugh about it all.  It’s either that or go bonkers.  So I began making a habit of finding parenting pictures or videos that would help me laugh out loud and realize I’m not alone.

This video is hilarious, and I think of it every time we leave the house.  Don’t get wrapped up in reading all the comments, as I accidentally did.  Just enjoy it.

[If I wanted to get all deep about it, I could say how the “people who don’t have kids have no idea” thing can be seen so many ways.  There’s a lot of struggle in parenthood that can never be understood by those outside the parenting world, but there are also a lot of truly beautiful, golden, life-affirming moments that will never fully be understood either.  (And I really don’t mean to exclude folks here who desperately want children and are facing difficulties making that become reality–I’m so sorry.  This is by no means supposed to be any comment on those tough situations.)]

Michael McIntyre on “People Who don’t Have Kids Have No Idea”


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