Liar and Spy

Liar and Spy (2012) by Rebecca Stead

I, like so many others, loved Stead’s Newbery-winning, When You Reach Me, and was inspired to read more of her books.  Liar and Spy is also a middle-school novel, and while it is a little subtler and a bit “quieter” than the other, it is still a wonderful read.  It touches on so many middle school issues – losing friends, teasing/bullying, trying to make new friends, family challenges, facing fears, moving, and being different.  I love the way Georges (pronounced “George”) interacts with his dad.  I love the off-beat homeschoolers he befriends.  I love how everything comes together like a puzzle at the end.  And I especially love the way Georges is able to use his situation and feelings to help him understand others.  This is a great book for any age, but how wonderful to have a book geared towards middle schoolers.