Kid Lit Women

Kid Lit Women is:

“A podcast of interviews and essays focusing on women’s and gender issues, including non-binary and gender fluidity, in the children’s literature community and all its intersectionality!”

There were 100 episodes posted from July 2018 to June 2019, and while I’m unsure if there are any plans to add more, I’m so excited to visit all these recorded podcasts.  I am a huge Grace Lin fan, but I only just recently discovered this podcast, so I have many, many more episodes to enjoy.  I’m delighted to hear these issues being discussed, and when I realized episode 3 was a conversation between two of my favorite authors, Shannon Hale and Grace Lin, I almost couldn’t believe my ears!   I think Grace Lin is super rad for taking the initiative on this, and I love that so many authors stepped up to have this discussion.  Thank you all! (…she says, on the very off-chance any of these amazing people visit…)  =)