Just Say No to Amazon

I’ve been wanting to create the above “bumper sticker” for some time, and I’m surprised it doesn’t yet exist.  But it sounds like the anti-Amazon movement is growing.  Not only am I very opposed to the company itself, I’m also opposed to the consumerist idea behind it.  Since when have we all become little Veruca Salts, constantly wanting so many things and wanting them NOW! no matter the cost to fellow human beings or the environment?  It baffles me and saddens me.  But that’s a post for another day…

I’ve been an anti-Amazoner for many years based on the information I’ve read about their practices–the way their workers are treated, the insanely negative environmental impact they have, their ties with ICE.  False promises, tax evasion, destroying local businesses and communities.  And with a CEO who might just be the scummiest person in the world.

Unsure how to approach my strong disagreement with the company, I’ve quietly listened to people discuss their “free” shipping and bargain prices, and watched some–almost all– of my favorite bloggers continually link to this poisonous company.  I get sick to my stomach thinking about Amazon and have found it difficult to get this post out.  A shift is coming though.  This company (which includes Whole Foods, Twitch, Kindle, GoodReads, Audible, Zappos, and IMDB) is being exposed on a grander scale, and they will go down.

Some articles (there are SO many out there, but just waiting for these to outweigh the numb “click and buy” mentality that has made so many blind to this company’s practices):
Why Boycott Amazon? (re: books)
Warehouse Worker Deaths
Amazon Prime Boycotts
10 Reasons to Avoid Amazon
It’s Time to Boycott Amazon