I Dreamt I Was a Dinosaur

I Dreamt I Was a Dinosaur (2006)
by Stella Blackstone and Clare Beaton

While looking for dino books for our 3-year old, I found surprisingly few that I actually liked.  This one gives a brief and easy intro to some of the dinosaurs during a short tale about a young child dreaming she’s a dinosaur.  The flowing, simple rhymes are cute, but the real highlight of this book for me is the amazing collage art done with fabric, ribbons, sequins, and the like.  (I want to be Clare Beaton’s friend, peek into her art studio, and take classes from her.  I am itching to get my hands on more of her books!)  My other favorite part of this book is actually the little glossary at the end that tells facts about the 13 dinos introduced in the book.

