Here’s a quick little list of what I LOVE about homemade!
Why Homemade?
Homemade items are almost always:
—More affordable
—YOU have control over the materials and/or ingredients, which means you can avoid unnecessary additives, toxic materials, and so on.
—Custom options
–With homemade items, you get to customize the look, taste, or feel of your project to meet your preferences
—Better for the environment
–-less packaging
–-less transport
– -better materials/ingredients (see above)
–-less waste overall
More benefits usually seen with handmade:
—Item is treated with more respect and better care
–-You KNOW what went into creating it
—Item is more likely to be repaired when needed
–-You know how to fix it and care about it enough to fix it
—Self esteem is boosted!
–-Rather than the numb feeling behind shopping or click-and-buy, you have invested your time and creativity, which will more likely make you feel positive and empowered!
Thank you for being here! I hope you enjoy the homemade crafts and recipes I post on here!