Hey, Betty Martin

This is a really fun one for movement and for talking about soft and loud.  It shares a tune with “Johnny, Get Your Haircut,” which is how I originally heard it, but I think, from the brief amount of info I could find, this song came first.  It dates back to at least the early 1800s.

Hey, Betty Martin, tip toe, tip toe,
Hey, Betty Martin tip toe fine.
Hey, Betty Martin, tip toe, tip toe,
Hey, Betty Martin, please be mine.

Then replace tip toe, with walking, jumping, spinning, stomping, etc.  You can also add soft, quiet voices for tip toe lyrics and loud voices for stomping, etc.

Alina Celeste (This is how I found her!  And she rocks!  Watch this and her other songs)

Sheet music and simple playing of the song (with the in-between bits–I had only ever heard this with the chorus part repeated over and over)