Cups Game

I remember the cup game from waaay back when at camp and school and it was just something kids did (as evidenced by this Full House clip).  I love when people come together and sing, but there’s something extra special about this one because it requires everyone to be fully participating.  Anyway, always makes me smile.  It’s tough to find a video that captures the magic of the moment, but maybe some of these will do…

Groups doing Cups Game

Harvard Drummers Group
If you watch nothing else from this page…  This is crazy Amazing!

This one gives a feel for how I remember the cups game.  Just crazy and fun, before all the fancy pop singing.

Irish TV production
Girls singing the “I’m Gonna Miss You” song with the cups game.  They’re all dressed up and it’s a bit show biz, but I still really love seeing all these kids come together for this.


I got caught up in the history of the Cups Song

Anna Kendrick Cup Video
A new version on the traditional cup game (although the comments make it seem like this video is a relic). Also a new version of a very old song from the 30s.  It cracks me up that Anna Kendrick had to apologize to camp counselors and parents for this song and game when they both have been around for ages.  Besides, to me, this cup game WAS camp.  And their frustration with her specifically just shows how clueless public is about how many people go into the production of a song and video.  Whatever.  These pop videos usually aren’t my thing, but I do really like this.

1987 “Screen Door” to cup game 

Lulu and the Lampshades

Anna Burden