I first made these the week before my first-born decided she was ready to see the world. I made them with the intention of freezing them and having them on hand for after the baby was born. And it was one of the best presents I gave myself. Well, food is at its best in the first weeks postpartum, anyway, but I have made these since and they’ve held up to my memory of them.
I like to make these for Christmas morning, along with a quiche, as a special treat. I make the rolls the night before and refrigerate them for the next morning. The biggest tip I’ll share is that if these don’t all get eaten fresh, then I highly recommend freezing them. I accidentally put the leftovers in the fridge this year, and they just didn’t do well.
This is obviously a short-cut recipe, so I’m sure there are better ones out there that I should really try someday. But, so far, this has been a winner for us!