Bunnies from Upcycled Spools

I saw this idea years back and fell in love with it!  How darling are these bunnies!

The idea couldn’t be simpler:

–Use an empty spool (If you don’t sew, ask friends/neighbors/family/Freecycle, etc.  If you DO sew, you have PLENTY of these.)

–Wrap a small piece of decorative paper around.  (Scraps of paper, upcycled magazines or catalogs, old maps, damaged books, etc.)

–Draw a bunny face.

–Add ears (I don’t love the thought of people buying new pipe cleaners for these, but we had some on hand (I un-do old projects from the kids to reuse these).  You could also use paper clips, as seen in one bunny above.  Get creative!  I’m sure this is a great opportunity for reuse!

–We happened to have pom-poms on hand as well (from old projects, etc.), but you could also make bunny tails from crumpled scrap paper or any number of upcycled items.


I LOVE that these reuse spools!!

I LOVE that these are a homemade decoration instead of a store-bought one (New, store-bought items have transportation, manufacturing, packaging waste, financial cost, afterlife of the items, and more to consider.)

I LOVE that my kids can be involved in making these!  My daughter made a collection of these this year, and my 3-year old made at least a couple of them too! (see below)

Upcycled spool bunnies could make a super-cute gift as well!  Even a ‘kit’ to make these would be a fun little spring present!