Book Quotes

I love, love, LOVE collecting quotes from books.  For me, it’s like a treasure hunt whenever I’m reading or re-reading books.  And, there are certainly so many treasures to be found.  The quotes I collect bring me joy and hope and inspiration and laughter.  I have collected hundreds and hundreds over the years, and I’ve had this driving desire to share them with the world.

I know there are lots of quotes already floating around out there, but I feel like it’s the same ones over and over.  And, sadly, sometimes, even very popular quotes online or in gift shops are absolutely and completely inaccurate.  Winnie the Pooh “quotes” are way more often MISquotes than actual ones.  One of my favorite little posters I’ve seen recently has a picture of Abraham Lincoln and it reads,

“The problem with quotes found on the Internet is that they often aren’t true.” -Abraham Lincoln.

And I love this so much, because it’s almost hilarious what gets passed around as quotations and even makes it onto best-selling products.

…I digress.  I am truly so excited to share quotations, and I am still figuring out just how I’d like to do that and what the legalities are of sharing a current author’s quotes.  For now, though, I’ve started an IndieMade shop of digital downloads.  Making each one takes considerably more time than I had planned as I learn what I’m doing, but it’s fun and such a relief to finally be doing something with my favorite quotes.  I love doing these as digital downloads, as it removes the pressure of mailing, and it allows the customer to immediately access what they’ve purchased.

If you’d like to check out my IndieMade shop, here is a link.