Before We Say “Goodnight”

Before We Say “Goodnight” by Hank Frazee

Father of three kids and insurance agent by day, Mr. Frazee tells a real-life bedtime story to his kids every night, which he has calculated to be over 8,000 stories. This entertaining, quick read is a convincing argument for the importance of sharing life stories with your kids. While many families, including the author’s, believe in the importance of reading books to children before bed, Hank suggests there is also much to be gained by including a story about your own life. It’s a great opportunity not only for your children to snuggle close with you and learn from the way you structure your stories, but also to help them learn about their family’s history and perhaps be comforted in knowing that you faced similar challenges, embarrassments, and joys.

I have to say that when I first read through this book, I was immediately on board with the idea but thought that I couldn’t possibly have enough stories to share. I racked my brain only to come up with memories of accidents and humiliating moments from my life, not the kind of thing to lull my young daughter to sleep. But Mr. Frazee offers tips, ideas, and a few pages of story prompters to help the reader embark on this journey. It took a little bit of reflection for me. But, notebook in hand, (which Hank suggests you won’t necessarily need), I slowly began jotting down ideas of real-life stories I could tell. And once I began this process, I really started to “get it.” The stories didn’t have to be long or even highly entertaining. They could be stories from my own experiences or other family members’. I now have pages of ideas. Mr. Frazee’s book really has been an inspiration.

Now, years after my first reading of his book, I realize just how much this book has changed the way I parent.  Storytelling plays a central role in our each and every day, whether they be stories from our long-distant past, stories from our day, or stories from books or movies my kids have yet to experience.  With more and more practice, storytelling has become second nature for me, and has been a huge part of bonding with my kids.  Thank you, Mr. Frazee